Monday, June 30, 2008


Finished my first class-----Whew!

9 more to go.....
...only 9-----9 is not that many--I can do 9---it's less than 10 and a lot less than 20...I CAN do 9----Right??!!

8 people who are blogging to avoid work said..:

Lori Taylor said...

Congratulations!!! 1 down, 9 to go. Just think of how healthy your brain cells are becoming. I think you called our family short?!!!!
We are. Now we have some hope at someone in our family being tall - Go Jessica and Graham.
Keep up the good work.

Kasey said...

Right~! You go girl~!

Grami said...

I think I can . . .
I think I can . . .
I think I can . . .
And she did !!!!!!!

Remember this famous story???

The Garlocks.... said...

yes you can because remember the rewards of you finishing...HAWAII...Okay maybe I made that up but if you start now with Mike by the time you classes are done he'll be ready!!

Dehner Family said...

Congrats! You are out of the double digets. 9 is so much easier than 10. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Wow good job! Way to be motivated! I NEED to go back and have not yet had a strong enough desire! So good job!

Tom and Kassie said...

Nice work Deb!! You can totally do it:)


9 is nothing.

Not to minimize. Just trying to be supportive. PROUD of you Deb!