Sunday, September 14, 2008

My 25 cents.....

To my Drewbie, who just turned 25....
MY my, Lady, you are so fluffy---
He is our lover of animals--

I am glad you love to play ball---we have many a fond memory of watching you out on the field.

Classic Drewbie---need I say more!!?

My Drewbie----Happy Birthday----I love you! Mom

6 people who are blogging to avoid work said..:

the Painters said...

Wow he looks so much like Todd in the baseball pic. Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday Drewbie. I remember the days of you giving Shawna body slams. She cried. I'm sure Tiffany is enjoying those now. You are ever and still ever so cute.

Kurt & Shawn said...

Happy birthday to Todd, Happy birthday to Todd, Happy birthday to Toddy boy, Happy Birthday to YOU!!!! And many more, on channel four, you look like a monkey and you smell like one too. All endearing words from your favorite Auntie, Shawn. As I recall, you gave alot of cousins body slams and one with Scotty where you both laughed so hard you guys blew snot out your noses. Good times!!!!

Kurt & Shawn said...

Sorry, it really is for Drew. I was reading Kasey's blog and singing to myself. Happy birthday, Drew. And I mean it!!!!!!! Auntie

The Garlocks.... said...

Alright! As much as I love Drew and all of his glory! I think it is about time for a new post! Like really, what is more important than blogging! I know that NOT CLEANING MY NEW HOUSE isn't! Or helping me move in is way on the list compared to blogging!!

The Jones Family said...

Drew is such a cutie now and when he was younger. So glad that he married Tiffany. We love you Drew. You raised him good.