Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Disclaimer---If you have a weak stomach, do not scroll down.

The aftermath of the boating incident. Looks nice, huh? Mike's hip is still swollen and he's walking slow, but this is what happens when you are the old man on the boat and can't get off when another boat hits you. Just thought you might want to know.

8 people who are blogging to avoid work said..:

BLStradling said...

Ouch!!! How is the boat? I hope worse!

The Garlocks.... said...

Poor Mike!! What more can happen to the guy!!

Lori Taylor said...

Wow, that looks painful. Hope everything is o.k.

The Garlock's said...

I love the edit of putting the disclaimer on it. Poor guy!!!

Beth said...

My mom told me what happend. So sad and unfair. Poor Uncle Mike. That just looks painful.

Kasey said...


The Jones Family said...

That looks so sore. I hope that Mike gets feeling better soon.

With Love, Bobbi said...

OMG!!!! Glad thats all that happened to him.... Boats you can replace-hubbies, not so much!