Monday, April 5, 2010


Teaching my first college class. My students call me 'Professor'! Cracking me up!
Now--if I can just get my kids on board!!

8 people who are blogging to avoid work said..:

Beth said...

How cool. I shall now call you Professor Auntie Debbie.

BLStradling said...

You are my hero! Professor Debbie!

Kasey said...

That's weird and so are you.

Debbie said...

Yes, I am! That's how I stay sane!

The Jones Family said...

I did forget how. Tiffany came and helped me on the Easter pictures and then I did the other one by myself. I still can't figure out how to import the scrapbook stuff I might need a reminder of how to do that again. Thanks for all of your help.

With Love, Bobbi said...

omg BEAUTY with SMARTS! Totally awesome. Somehow professor debbie just doesn't sound right... does that mean I have to call you professor garlock now??

Heidi said...

Professor Garlock.. that is awesome and so is your blog!! I love it!

Unknown said...

That's awesome Debbie, or should I say Professora Prima.